Information Sheet - Motions

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What are some examples of motions?

Some examples of motions include (but are not limited to) requesting the Animal Care Review Board (ACRB) for an order:

How does a party make a motion to the ACRB?

A party may make a motion to the ACRB by completing the Notice of Motion Form and submitting the form to the ACRB for consideration.

Are the other parties informed about the Notice of Motion?

A copy of the Notice of Motion must be served on the other party(ies) by the party making the motion. The person making the motion must let the ACRB know how and when the Notice of Motion was served on any other parties. In some exceptional circumstances the ACRB may allow a party to bring a motion forward at a case conference or hearing without prior notice to the parties. For details about the requirements for disclosure and service of a Notice of Motion see Rules 9 and 15, respectively, of the Rules of Practice and Procedure.

What happens after a party makes a motion to the ACRB?

After a party submits a Notice of Motion, the ACRB may schedule an oral or written motion hearing or determine that the motion will be considered during a scheduled hearing or case conference instead.

The ACRB may require parties to submit materials in response to the Notice of Motion. If submissions are required, the ACRB will send a letter directing the parties.

What happens at an oral motion hearing?

If the motion is heard orally, typically one member would be assigned. The party bringing the motion makes a presentation describing why they want the order. The other party then presents their position, and the party bringing the motion will have an opportunity to reply. The member may ask questions at any time during the oral motion hearing.

When does the ACRB make its decision on the motion?

Depending on when the motion is heard, the ACRB may issue its decision immediately after the hearing, with reasons in writing to follow, or send out a written decision to the parties.

For motions heard at a case conference or hearing, the parties are expected to be ready to proceed with the scheduled case conference or hearing, once the motion has been heard, as directed by the ACRB.

Other Sources of Useful Information

The ACRB's website has Information Sheets, Practice Directions, FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), and other useful information.

This information sheet is intended to provide general information. It does not constitute legal advice. If you wish to obtain legal advice, you should consult a person licensed by the Law Society of Ontario at Law Society of Ontario.