Ontario Parole Board Updates

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In Ontario, there are two types of conditional release: parole and temporary absence. Parole is the early release of an inmate who agrees to abide by a number of conditions and serves the remainder of their sentence in the community under supervision.

Temporary absence allows an inmate serving a sentence to be absent from the institution under conditions for medical, humanitarian or rehabilitative purposes.

Statutory Amendments

On March 20, 2020, the Province amended Ontario Regulation 778, which deals with parole and temporary absences.

The amendments permit applications for temporary absences to be approved by the Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN). If referred to by SOLGEN, the OPB will continue to review temporary absences longer than 72 hours in duration.

The amendments also permit the OPB to hold alternative hearing formats for conditional release proceedings, and the discretion to hold in-person, written or electronic hearings.

COVID-19 Emergency Order

The OPB maintained its operations and conducted its hearings during the pandemic and continues to do so.

Applications for Conditional Release


The OPB is continuing to schedule and hold parole hearings via teleconference andwritten submissions. These hearings are automatically scheduled according to an inmate’s parole eligibility date.

The OPB considers all information before it when determining parole suitability. This may include submissions from victims, police, SOLGEN, and other persons with relevant information. The OPB generally receives the inmate’s release plan, which is typically investigated by SOLGEN, before a hearing is scheduled.

Temporary Absence

Under Regulation 778, all applications for a temporary absence must be made to the Superintendent of the institution in which the inmate is being held.

The Superintendent may decide to grant a request for temporary absence or refer the request to the OPB. The OPB will continue to adjudicate any request for a temporary absence that is referred to it by SOLGEN.

If an application is referred to the OPB, SOLGEN staff typically investigate the applicant’s proposed release plan and provide an assessment to the OPB with the application. SOLGEN also provides other information that the OPB needs to make temporary absence decisions.

The OPB is holding temporary absence hearings via teleconference or written submissions.

Participation in Parole and Temporary Absence Hearings

Applicant Assistants at Parole and Temporary Absence Hearings

The OPB may permit a maximum number of two (2) persons to assist an applicant at a hearing for parole or temporary absence. There are no limits on written submissions, including letters of support.

The OPB will continue to review requests from applicants or legal representation to have assistants participate in parole and temporary absence hearings held via teleconference. These requests can be sent to the OPB Registrar at OPBRegistrar@ontario.ca. Applicants can also speak with SOLGEN staff who will relay the request to the OPB.

Assistants can include a legal representation, family member, friend, social or community worker, or a support person.


The OPB considers victim participation to be critical to the parole process and will continue to facilitate victim participation in proceedings.

The Ministry of Correctional Services Act and other laws grant victims certain rights of participation in parole proceedings.

Victims have the right to provide a written submission to the OPB in all parole considerations. If the matter is proceeding via teleconference, the victim may apply to participate in the teleconference along with their support person, and the OPB will approve their participation, where possible.

Victims will continue to be notified of the outcome of the hearing if they have contacted the OPB and requested updates.

Indigenous Services

The OPB will continue to facilitate Circle Hearings for Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, or Métis) applicants via teleconference and videoconference, where available.


The OPB is striving to balance the health and safety of Ontarians with providing access to justice and meeting statutory obligations in a fair manner.

For more information on parole and temporary absence, please see OPB: Practice Guidelines (HTML).

August 31, 2022