Rules of Procedure
For appeals to the Social Benefits Tribunal

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There are two parts to the Rules of Procedure of the Social Benefits Tribunal. Part I is the Social Justice Tribunals Ontario (SJTO) Common Rules, which also apply in other tribunals within the SJTO. These came into effect on October 1, 2013.

Part II is the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT) Specific Rules which apply only within the SBT. These Rules came into effect on January 1, 2016. The SBT Specific Rules apply to:

The Common Rules (Part I) and SBT Specific Rules (Part II) are to be read together.

Table of Contents

Part I - Social Justice Tribunals Ontario Common Rules

Part II - Social Benefits Tribunal Specific Rules

Part I - Social Justice Tribunals Ontario Common Rules


Social Justice Tribunals Ontario (SJTO) is a cluster of eight adjudicative tribunals with a mandate to resolve applications and appeals under statutes relating to child and family services oversight, youth justice, human rights, residential tenancies, disability support and other social assistance, special education and victim compensation.

The SJTO is committed to providing quality dispute resolution across the cluster including ensuring that its procedures are transparent and understandable. Identifying common procedures and values across the SJTO and, where appropriate, harmonizing those procedures improves access to justice and fosters consistency in the application of fundamental principles of fairness.

These Common Rules are grounded in the core adjudicative values and principles of the SJTO which govern the work of the cluster. The Common Rules provide a consistent overarching framework of common procedures that will continue to evolve.

How to Use These Rules

  1. The SJTO Common Rules apply to all cases in any SJTO tribunal and form part of the rules and procedures of each tribunal.
  2. For more specific rules please refer to the rules and procedures of:

Part A - Adjudicative Values and Interpretive Principles

A1 Application

The Common Rules apply to the proceedings of the SJTO. The Common Rules form part of the rules of each SJTO tribunal.

A2 Definitions

"Rules and procedures" includes rules, practice directions, policies, guidelines and procedural directions; "tribunal" means any SJTO tribunal or board.

A3 Interpretation

A4 Tribunal Powers

A5 Accommodation of Human Rights Code - Related Needs

A6 Language

A7 Courtesy and Respect

A8 Abuse of Process

A9 Representatives

A10 Litigation Guardians

Part II - Social Benefits Tribunal Specific Rules

Part II - Social Benefits Tribunal Specific Rules

Rule 1 - General Rules

Rule 2 - Appeals to SBT

Rule 3 - Filing an Appeal

Rule 4 - Responding to an Appeal

Rule 5 - Filing Documents with the SBT

Rule 6 - Delivery of Documents

Rule 7 - SBT Proceedings

Rule 8 - Summons

Rule 9 - Withdrawal of Appeal

Rule 9A - Consent Orders

Rule 10 - Request to Re-open

Rule 11 - Dismissal of Appeal Outside Jurisdiction

Rule 12 - Summary Hearing

Rule 13 - Requests to Reschedule or Adjourn a Hearing

Rule 14 - Amending Clerical Errors

Rule 15 - Reconsideration

Rule 16 - Appeal to Divisional Court

List of Forms

Effective as of July 1, 2018