Additional Zoom Controls

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Tribunals Ontario uses Zoom as its platform for video proceedings.

In this video, we will show you some additional zoom controls - that you may use when you attend a virtual proceeding at Tribunals Ontario, by video. For information about basic Zoom controls you may use in a virtual proceeding, check out our video on Basic Zoom Controls. The four features we’ll show you in this video are Share Screen, Breakout Rooms, View, and Chat.

In this video, we are using the Zoom app. If you are using a web browser, it may look a bit different.

First, we will show you how to use the Share screen feature

You can show a document to other participants, using the share screen function in Zoom. For example, you may use this function to display a document that is evidence in your case to the other participants in Zoom.

First, ensure you have the document or file open on your screen. Then, click on the Share Screen button at the bottom of your screen in the centre. A window will open giving you the option to choose the window that you want to share. Select the window that has the document or file you wish to share.

If it is a video clip with sound, click ‘share sound’ at the bottom left of your screen.

If the document or file you wish to share does not appear, click ‘show all windows’, scroll down and select the window.

Once you share your screen, a floating task bar will appear at the top of your screen and will have the zoom controls you can use. You can move it if you prefer.

To stop sharing, click the red ‘stop share’ button on the task bar.

Next, let’s look at Breakout Rooms

Some proceedings use breakout rooms for private group conversations.

When you are put into a breakout room, a pop-up will appear indicating that you will be placed into the breakout room.

You can use the “Ask for Help” button if you need help. Pressing "Ask for Help" signals that you are ready for the adjudicator or other tribunal staff member to enter the breakout room.

If you find yourself disconnected from the breakout room, go back to the link in your Notice of Hearing and reconnect to the proceeding.

Let’s explore how to change the View

The View feature changes the layout of the video panels on your screen.

Click the view button at the top right-hand corner to change between Speaker view and Gallery view.

In Speaker View, the person who is speaking will be largest. The videos of other people attending will appear in smaller windows.

In Gallery View, all video panels will show as the same size. The person who is speaking will show with a yellow square around their screen.

Lastly, we will review the Chat feature

Typically, the chat feature is not available in a proceeding however, it may be temporarily enabled.

You may be asked to use the chat to help troubleshoot a technical issue. For example, if you are having audio issues and cannot be heard the chat may be enabled for you to communicate.

Thanks for watching this video! Remember, testing Zoom in advance will help prepare you for your virtual proceeding.