Member: Position Description
Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009


The purpose of the Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009 (“ATAGAA”) is to ensure that adjudicative tribunals are accountable, transparent and efficient in their operations, while remaining independent in their decision-making.

Tribunals Ontario have developed documents to meet the legislative requirements of the ATAGAA.

Section 7 of the ATAGAA requires that every adjudicative tribunal shall develop a member accountability framework. The framework must contain, among other things, a description of the functions of the Members, Vice Chairs and Associate Chairs of the constituent tribunals. It also must contain a description of the skills, knowledge, experience and other attributes and specific qualifications required of a person to be appointed as a member of the tribunal. This position description pertains to a Member.


Members appointed to one or more of Tribunals Ontario’s constituent tribunals (Animal Care Review Board, Assessment Review Board, Child and Family Services Review Board/Custody Review Board, Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, Fire Safety Commission, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, Landlord and Tenant Board, Licence Appeal Tribunal, Ontario Civilian Police Commission, Ontario Parole Board, Ontario Special Education Tribunals (En/Fr) and Social Benefits Tribunal) are responsible for resolving disputes, assessing and making decisions under applicable legislation, policies and rules, in accordance with Tribunals Ontario’s mission, core values and governance and accountability structure.

Key Duties

Members work under the general direction and mentorship of an Associate Chair or a Vice Chair who is designated for the purpose by the Executive Chair, Tribunals Ontario. Members may be assigned to carry out dispute resolution, assessments, investigations and decision making alone or, as part of a panel/quorum and may work as part of a team.

A Member, where appropriate:

Law and Procedure

Integrity and Fair Practices


In addition to case-related duties, Members, are expected to:


Members, where appropriate, are required to have the following abilities, skills and knowledge in order to carry out their responsibilities effectively:

Alternative Formats

This position description is available in various accessible formats including Braille, audio tape and large print. For alternative format or a paper copy, please contact the Office of the Executive Chair, Tribunals Ontario.


This position description will be reviewed every 3 years along with the other documentation required by ATAGAA.

This position description was adopted by the Executive Chair, Sean Weir, on August 31, 2020.