SBT: Operational Update
Change to Appeal (Form 1)

Effective February 24, 2025, the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT) is changing its process of consent to communication by email for appellants, making it easier for appellants to engage with the SBT. The SBT has updated its Appeal (Form 1) to include a footnote that by providing their email address, appellants are agreeing that SBT can… Continue Reading SBT: Operational Update
Change to Appeal (Form 1)

Application and hearing process

Application and hearing process Learn about applying and/or appealing to the Child and Family Services Review Board (CFSRB), including choosing the correct application form, what happens at the hearing and the decision-making process. Navigate through the application and hearing process using the tabs. 1. Types of matters reviewed by the Child and Family Services Review… Continue Reading Application and hearing process

HRTO: Operational Update
Revised Form 1 and New Form 1G

Effective May 12, 2023, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) has updated its primary intake form, Form 1: Individual Application and created a new Form 1G: Application on Behalf of Another Person(s) under Section 34(5) of the Human Rights Code. The revised Form 1: Is shorter in length Uses plain language Minimizes redundancy by… Continue Reading HRTO: Operational Update
Revised Form 1 and New Form 1G

HRTO: Operational Update
Modified Process for Applications

The HRTO is revising its procedure for reviewing and processing files with a focus on a targeted group of applications. Rather than completing an initial jurisdictional review before serving a Form 1 Application on respondent(s), the HRTO will serve the Form 1 Application directly to the respondent(s) and any subsequent Form 2 Response (including any… Continue Reading HRTO: Operational Update
Modified Process for Applications
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