The revised Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules begin to apply as of August 21, 2023. Each revised Rule is governed by an application provision that sets out when the revisions contained in that particular Rule will come into effect. For more information about the application of the Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules to your file, please review… Continue Reading LAT: Operational Update
Revised Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules in Effect
Tag: Revised Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules
Revised rules for the LAT will go into effect beginning on August 21, 2023. A copy of the Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules is available in English and French. Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules (EN) Règles du Tribunal d’appel en matière de permis (FR) More information, including updated forms, will be posted on the Tribunal’s website in… Continue Reading LAT: Operational Update
LAT Revised Rules
LAT Revised Rules