LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Portal Updated with More LTB Forms

Tribunals Ontario is adding four more Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) forms to the Tribunals Ontario Portal and introducing a new self-scheduling feature that will allow applicants to select their preferred hearing date and timeslot available for their application type. Learn more at Tribunals Ontario Portal updated with a new scheduling feature and more forms.… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Portal Updated with More LTB Forms

LTB: Operational Update
October 2022 Update

Scheduling Beginning in mid-November and until the end of the year, Landlord and Tenant Board’s (LTB) scheduling plan will focus on previously adjourned matters such as older landlord and tenant applications, and case management hearings for Above Guideline Increase (AGI) applications. Adjourned matters and AGIs make up a large proportion of the LTB’s aging caseload.… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
October 2022 Update

LAT: News Release
Licence Appeal Tribunal Expanding its Scheduling Model to Provide More Timely and Responsive Service to all AABS Parties

The Licence Appeal Tribunal – Automobile Accident Benefits Service (LAT–AABS) is expanding a canvassing-based scheduling model to all oral adjudicative events. Starting March 21, 2022, LAT-AABS parties will receive an email that provides available dates for an upcoming oral adjudicative event. Parties can then select three preferred dates for consideration. This process will be fully… Continue Reading LAT: News Release
Licence Appeal Tribunal Expanding its Scheduling Model to Provide More Timely and Responsive Service to all AABS Parties

LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Implementing Enhanced Scheduling Plan

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is working towards resuming full services by implementing a scheduling plan that will prioritize mediation services, reduce delays and enhance the quality of dispute resolution services. Effective May 31, 2021, the plan will allow for more matters to be heard and ensure that landlords and tenants with scheduled hearings… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Implementing Enhanced Scheduling Plan
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