Archived reports, plans and standards See archived annual reports, business plans, expenses, and service standards for Tribunals Ontario. On this page Annual reports Business plans Travel, meal and hospitality expenses Service standards Learn about the services offered by Tribunals Ontario, including requesting an accommodation, video proceeding resources, options for legal help, French language services, Indigenous… Continue Reading Archived reports, plans and standards
Tag: service standards
Public accountability Learn about Tribunals Ontario’s commitment to public accountability and transparent, efficient operations. On this page Overview Mandate and mission statement Core Values Service standard policy Ethics plan and conflict of interest rules Code of conduct Overview The purpose of the Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009, is to ensure that adjudicative… Continue Reading Public accountability
The LTB is actively working to improve service standards. This includes hiring more staff and adjudicators, and streamlining processes. We appreciate your patience while these improvements are underway. On average, L1 and L9 applications are being scheduled within five months. A Notice of Hearing will be sent to the parties before the scheduled hearing date.… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Timelines at the LTB
Timelines at the LTB