November 15, 2024

LTB: Operational Update
Canada Post Labour Disruption

Due to a labour disruption at Canada Post, mail services have been impacted at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). Parties are encouraged to use the Tribunals Ontario Portal for the uploading and filing of applications, evidence, and correspondence.

Submissions via email that contain credit card information cannot be accepted, as sending credit card data over email is not secure. To ensure the safety of your information, please use the secure Tribunals Ontario Portal for any submissions that require payment.

For parties waiting for their Notice of Hearing or for time-sensitive Orders, the LTB may send them by courier.

Other correspondence may be sent and received via the Tribunals Ontario Portal, email or courier. LTB Applications and other documents can also be filed at some ServiceOntario Centres.

For further assistance, you may wish to contact the LTB:


Call: 888-332-3234 or 416-645-8080

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