LTB: Operational Update
Timelines at the LTB

The LTB is actively working to improve service standards. This includes hiring more staff and adjudicators, and streamlining processes. We appreciate your patience while these improvements are underway. On average, L1 and L9 applications are being scheduled within five months. A Notice of Hearing will be sent to the parties before the scheduled hearing date.… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Timelines at the LTB

LTB: Operational Update
New LTB Technical Support Line for Zoom Hearings

The Landlord and Tenant Board has a new technical support line for troubleshooting technical issues users may face while joining their hearing on Zoom. Hearing participants who have technical issues on the day of their hearing can email, or call 416-212-9064 (toll-free 866-769-7865). Staff will provide assistance so they can join their hearing. The… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
New LTB Technical Support Line for Zoom Hearings

LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario making it easier and more seamless to submit LTB applications

Tribunals Ontario is making it easier for Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) applicants to submit applications and resolve residential tenancy disputes. With the addition of four new LTB applications on the Tribunals Ontario Portal, a total of 12 LTB application forms are now available online. Effective February 10, 2023, applicants can submit the following additional… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario making it easier and more seamless to submit LTB applications

LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Portal Updated with More LTB Forms

Tribunals Ontario is adding four more Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) forms to the Tribunals Ontario Portal and introducing a new self-scheduling feature that will allow applicants to select their preferred hearing date and timeslot available for their application type. Learn more at Tribunals Ontario Portal updated with a new scheduling feature and more forms.… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Portal Updated with More LTB Forms

LTB: Operational Update
Free Phone Program

The LTB has a free program to help you attend your hearing by telephone. If you do not have access to a telephone or have a prepaid or pay as you go plan with limited airtime talk minutes, complete and submit an Accommodation Request Form . If your request is approved, the LTB can loan… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Free Phone Program

LTB: Operational Update
October 2022 Update

Scheduling Beginning in mid-November and until the end of the year, Landlord and Tenant Board’s (LTB) scheduling plan will focus on previously adjourned matters such as older landlord and tenant applications, and case management hearings for Above Guideline Increase (AGI) applications. Adjourned matters and AGIs make up a large proportion of the LTB’s aging caseload.… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
October 2022 Update

LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Portal – New Process for Receiving Documents

Over the past two years, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) has made significant progress in modernizing its services at a time when people expect user-friendly and convenient electronic options for interacting with government services. On July 28, 2022, the LTB added a button to the file summary page on the Tribunals Ontario Portal that… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Portal – New Process for Receiving Documents

LTB: Operational Update
Credit Card Payment Form

On May 25, 2022, the LTB introduced a new Credit Card Payment Form that must be used by applicants filing applications and requests by mail or courier and paying fees by credit card. Applicants can no longer provide credit card information directly on an application or request and file by mail or courier. In these… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Credit Card Payment Form

LTB: Operational Update
Rule Changes and New Consent to Disclosure Form

Several LTB Rules of Procedure have been amended to support the changes implemented with the Tribunals Ontario Portal. The amended Rules are now posted on our website and include: Rule 2.1: fee waiver requests may be submitted through the portal by Legal Representatives on behalf of their clients Rule 3.1(i) and 3.9: parties may serve… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Rule Changes and New Consent to Disclosure Form

LTB: Operational Update
Practice Direction on Representation and Interpretation Guideline 21

The Practice Direction on Representation before Social Justice Tribunals Ontario has been revised and is now the Practice Direction on Representation before the Landlord and Tenant Board . Changes include: additional guidance respecting unlicensed representatives in LTB proceedings; clarification of the role of support persons during LTB hearings; and clarification of the responsibilities of licensed… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Practice Direction on Representation and Interpretation Guideline 21
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