
The following resources provide additional information about the application and appeal process at the Fire Safety Commission (FSC).

  • Calling Evidence Information Sheet (HTML)
    This information sheet describes what it means to call evidence at an FSC hearing and will help you prepare your case for the hearing.
  • Disclosure Information Sheet (HTML)
    This information sheet describes the disclosure process, meaning how to disclose the documents or things (physical evidence), witness information and expert reports that you intend to present as evidence at a hearing before the FSC.
  • Motions Information Sheet (HTML)
    This information sheet explains what a motion is and how to make a motion at the FSC.
  • Presenting Your Case Information Sheet (HTML)
    This information sheet describes what happens in a hearing when you present your case to the FSC, including information about witnesses, documents, and things (physical evidence) you need to support your case.