LAT: Operational Update
Updated Rule 13 and Recording of Hearings Practice Direction

Effective for all LAT-AABS and LAT-GS appeals starting on July 1, 2024, the LAT has updated Rule 13 of the Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules, 2023. The LAT has also updated its Practice Direction for Recording of Hearings: Licence Appeal Tribunal Rules, 2023 Practice Direction for Recording of Hearings The updated Rule 13.2 provides that the… Continue Reading LAT: Operational Update
Updated Rule 13 and Recording of Hearings Practice Direction

Application and hearing process

Application and hearing process This section tells you about the Ontario Parole Board (OPB) and the processes for parole and temporary absences in Ontario. Navigate through the application and hearing process using the tabs. 1. Role of the OPB 2. Parole and temporary absences in Ontario 3. Parole hearings 4. Circle hearings 5. Decisions 6. Resources… Continue Reading Application and hearing process


About Tribunals Ontario Tribunals Ontario is a group of 13 adjudicative tribunals that resolves disputes in the social, property assessment, safety and licencing sectors. We are committed to providing fair, effective, and timely dispute resolution services to the people of Ontario as outlined in our Mandate and Mission Statement . Access to justice See our… Continue Reading About
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