Practice Directions

Practice Direction on Adjournments

The Practice Direction on Adjournments supports the LAT’s rules on requesting and considering adjournments.

Practice Direction on Reconsiderations

The Practice Direction on Reconsiderations supports the LAT’s rules on requesting and granting reconsiderations.

Practice Direction on Recording Hearings

Effective July 1, 2024, an updated version of the Practice Direction on Recordings of Hearings will go into effect for all LAT-AABS and LAT-GS appeals. This Practice Direction supports the LAT’s rules on recording hearings.

It replaces the Practice Direction on Recording Hearings.

Practice Direction on Document Exchange, Production Orders, Witness Lists & Hearing Briefs (LAT-AABS)

This Practice Direction only applies to LAT-AABS files.

The Practice Direction on Document Exchange, Production Orders, Witness Lists & Hearing Briefs supports the LAT’s rules on exchanging documents, production orders, and filing documents for hearings.

Practice Direction on Preliminary Issue Hearings at the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT-AABS)

This Practice Direction only applies to LAT-AABS files.

The Practice Direction on Preliminary Issue Hearings at the Licence Appeal Tribunal supports the Tribunal’s process for addressing preliminary issues for LAT-AABS matters.