Today, Tribunals Ontario launched a new modernized website to provide a more intuitive, user-friendly online experience for all our users. The new Tribunals Ontario website prioritizes user needs by making it easier to find key information, within two or three clicks upon landing on the website. To ensure a better online user experience, Tribunals Ontario… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Launches a Modernized Website
Tag: OPB
Contact the Ontario Parole Board Find all the contact information for the Ontario Parole Board (OPB). Email Questions and submissions can be emailed to the Ontario Parole Board (OPB) at Phone Call and speak to our staff, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding holidays). Staff can provide you with information… Continue Reading Contact
Victim support This page provides detailed information on the role of victims of crime in the parole hearing and decision process. On this page Who is a victim? Victim input Victim support Victim Notification System (VNS) Victim participation options Victim submission Attending a hearing Funding for victims to attend hearings Additional information Parole in Ontario:… Continue Reading Victim support
Observing a hearing Individuals who wish to attend a hearing as an observer must submit an application to the Ontario Parole Board (OPB). This page provides information about the process and making a request. On this page Timelines for applying to observe an OPB hearing Approving or denying an observer application Safety and security Participation… Continue Reading Observing a hearing
Laws and regulations Learn about the laws and rules that affect the Ontario Parole Board (OPB). On this page Legislation and regulation Practice guidelines Additional information Application and hearing process Contact the OPB Legislation and regulation Although provincially established, the Ontario Parole Board (OPB) has roles and responsibilities under both federal and provincial legislation applicable… Continue Reading Laws and regulations
Application and hearing process This section tells you about the Ontario Parole Board (OPB) and the processes for parole and temporary absences in Ontario. Navigate through the application and hearing process using the tabs. 1. Role of the OPB 2. Parole and temporary absences in Ontario 3. Parole hearings 4. Circle hearings 5. Decisions 6. Resources… Continue Reading Application and hearing process
Ontario Parole Board Key Performance Indicators Archive The OPB makes parole decisions for applicants serving a sentence of less than two years in a provincial correctional institution. The OPB also decides applications for temporary absences from a correctional institution for greater than 72 hours. Tribunals Ontario’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) track the performance of our… Continue Reading Ontario Parole Board Key Performance Indicators Archive
Ontario Parole Board Key Performance Indicators Makes parole decisions for applicants serving a sentence of less than two years in a provincial correctional institution. The OPB also decides applications for temporary absences from a correctional institution for greater than 72 hours. Reporting period: April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 Ontario Parole Board Key Performance… Continue Reading Ontario Parole Board Key Performance Indicators
Ontario Parole Board Information about parole or a temporary absence from a provincial correctional institution The Ontario Parole Board (OPB) makes parole decisions for applicants serving a sentence of less than two years in a provincial correctional institution. The OPB also decides applications for temporary absences from a correctional institution for greater than 72 hours.… Continue Reading Ontario Parole Board
Tribunals Ontario is implementing the Zoom videoconference platform to conduct tribunal and board video proceedings. “Over the past year, we have held video proceedings to provide access to justice while ensuring the safety of parties, staff and adjudicators. This change to Zoom is another step forward to modernize our organization,” said Sean Weir, Executive Chair… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Using Zoom to Conduct Video Proceedings
Tribunals Ontario Using Zoom to Conduct Video Proceedings