The Assessment Review Board (ARB) is committed to fulfilling its mandate of resolving property assessment disputes within the regular four-year assessment cycle, however, with the postponement of the general reassessment for the 2021 taxation year, the common understanding is that the current assessment cycle has increased to a five (5) year assessment cycle. We are… Continue Reading ARB: Operational Update
Appeals Resolution Strategy – 2021 Taxation Year
Category: Archives (EN)
Sean Weir, Executive Chair and Harry Gousopoulos, Executive Director of Tribunals Ontario, issued the following statement about the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Justice Accelerated Strategy: “Tribunals Ontario welcomes the investment from the government for this important project as part of its Justice Accelerated strategy. The case management solution will make our operations more efficient… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Statement on Ministry of the Attorney General’s Justice Accelerated Strategy
Statement on Ministry of the Attorney General’s Justice Accelerated Strategy
The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is offering landlords and tenants a new and convenient way to pay application fees. Beginning February 1, 2021, applicants can use a Visa, MasterCard or debit card to pay for most application types online. Applicants who pay online can also file their application by email. “Ontarians expect to be… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Launches Online Payment for Application Fees
Landlord and Tenant Board Launches Online Payment for Application Fees
The ARB continues to enhance its operations and processes using a digital-first approach to providing services. Some of the digital services we remind you to use are: Website – Our website is the main portal to access all information about the Board. By visiting our website you can: find information about managing the appeal process… Continue Reading ARB: Operational Update
ARB Digital-First Approach – Looking Ahead
ARB Digital-First Approach – Looking Ahead
Effective February 1, 2021, the Child and Family Services Review Board (CFSRB) has a new Practice Direction on Scheduling Pre-Hearing/Mediations and Hearings, Rescheduling Requests, and Adjournment Requests. The practice direction outlines the CFSRB’s scheduling, rescheduling, and adjournment processes, and provides guidance about what the CFSRB expects of parties and in turn what parties can expect… Continue Reading CFSRB: News Release
New CFSRB Practice Direction on Scheduling and Adjournment Requests
New CFSRB Practice Direction on Scheduling and Adjournment Requests
Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario, issued the following statement on the Associate Chair appointment to the Assessment Review Board: “I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ken Bednarek as Associate Chair to the Assessment Review Board (ARB), effective January 21, 2021. Ken has over 30 years of experience in both private as… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Statement on Associate Chair Appointment to the Assessment Review Board
Statement on Associate Chair Appointment to the Assessment Review Board
Tribunals Ontario is expanding options to address requests for alternative hearing formats for Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) parties in Toronto who do not have access to a telephone, computer and/or the internet. Starting February 1, LTB parties who need access to a computer and telephone terminal may be accommodated at the 15 Grosvenor Hearing… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Increasing Access to Technology in Toronto
Tribunals Ontario Increasing Access to Technology in Toronto
On January 12, 2021, the Ontario government issued a second Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) effective January 14, 2021 for 28 days until February 10, 2021. The ARB now conducts all of its administrative and adjudicative processes using a digital-first approach. Parties have been successfully communicating and participating… Continue Reading ARB: Operational Update
Ontario Declares Second Provincial Emergency
Ontario Declares Second Provincial Emergency
The Landlord and Tenant Board is inviting Ontarians to provide feedback on new and revised forms, instructions and guidelines related to upcoming changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) made by the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020. The feedback will help the LTB ensure that its forms, instructions and guidelines are… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Seeking Feedback to Update Forms and Guidelines
Landlord and Tenant Board Seeking Feedback to Update Forms and Guidelines
Tribunals Ontario is pleased to announce Harry Gousopoulos as the new Executive Director and the appointment of Sean Weir to a two-year term as Executive Chair. Harry Gousopoulos was previously the Director of Corporate Affairs and Governance with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, where he was responsible for government/ministry relations, Board governance and… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario New Leadership
Tribunals Ontario New Leadership