LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Implementing Enhanced Scheduling Plan

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is working towards resuming full services by implementing a scheduling plan that will prioritize mediation services, reduce delays and enhance the quality of dispute resolution services. Effective May 31, 2021, the plan will allow for more matters to be heard and ensure that landlords and tenants with scheduled hearings… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Implementing Enhanced Scheduling Plan

TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Using Zoom to Conduct Video Proceedings

Tribunals Ontario is implementing the Zoom videoconference platform to conduct tribunal and board video proceedings. “Over the past year, we have held video proceedings to provide access to justice while ensuring the safety of parties, staff and adjudicators. This change to Zoom is another step forward to modernize our organization,” said Sean Weir, Executive Chair… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Using Zoom to Conduct Video Proceedings

LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Launches Online Payment for Application Fees

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is offering landlords and tenants a new and convenient way to pay application fees. Beginning February 1, 2021, applicants can use a Visa, MasterCard or debit card to pay for most application types online. Applicants who pay online can also file their application by email. “Ontarians expect to be… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Launches Online Payment for Application Fees

LTB: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Increasing Access to Technology in Toronto

Tribunals Ontario is expanding options to address requests for alternative hearing formats for Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) parties in Toronto who do not have access to a telephone, computer and/or the internet. Starting February 1, LTB parties who need access to a computer and telephone terminal may be accommodated at the 15 Grosvenor Hearing… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Increasing Access to Technology in Toronto

LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Seeking Feedback to Update Forms and Guidelines

The Landlord and Tenant Board is inviting Ontarians to provide feedback on new and revised forms, instructions and guidelines related to upcoming changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) made by the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020. The feedback will help the LTB ensure that its forms, instructions and guidelines are… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Seeking Feedback to Update Forms and Guidelines

LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Improving Services

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is improving its operations and enhancing the quality of dispute resolution for the thousands of people across the province who access its services. The LTB is transforming its services to meet the needs of landlords and tenants by: Conducting hearings by telephone, video and in writing, where feasible. Shifting… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Improving Services

LTB: News Release
Changes to Rules of Procedure and Guidelines for Review and Comment

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is seeking input on proposed revisions to its Rules, guidelines and forms. The proposed changes are available here for public feedback until August 20, 2020. MEDIA CONTACT Janet Deline Tribunals Ontario Communications Subscribe to Tribunals Ontario’s News Releases

LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Expanding Services While Keeping Ontarians Safe During COVID-19 Recovery

Today the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) announced it is gradually expanding services in August. However, all in-person service counters remain closed until further notice. Effective August 1, 2020, the LTB will: Begin to issue eviction orders that are pending; Start to issue consent eviction orders which are based on landlord and tenants settling their… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Landlord and Tenant Board Expanding Services While Keeping Ontarians Safe During COVID-19 Recovery

LTB: News Release
Amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act

On July 21, 2020, the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, which amends sections of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, received Royal Assent. The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is initiating a review of its current Rules, guidelines and forms to ensure they are consistent with legislative amendments and implementation timelines. As part of… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act

LTB: News Release
Statement on Ombudsman’s Office Annual Report

Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario, issued the following statement in response to the Ombudsman’s Annual Report released on June 30, 2020: “Having reviewed the Ombudsman’s Annual Report in detail, I welcome the update on the ongoing investigation into Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) delays. Tribunals Ontario and the LTB are fully cooperating in… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Statement on Ombudsman’s Office Annual Report
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