Long Descriptions This page is a repository for longdesc attribute descriptions that are used in HTML files to make complex images, such as charts and tables AODA compliant. On this page Tribunals Ontario 2023-2024 Organizational Chart Tribunals Ontario 2022-2023 Organizational Chart Tribunals Ontario 2021-2022 Organizational Chart Tribunals Ontario 2020-2021 Organizational Chart Tribunals Ontario 2019-2020 Organizational… Continue Reading Long Descriptions
Tag: accessibility
Archived consultations View archived Tribunals Ontario consultations. On this page Consultation overview Past consultations 2021 Consultations 2020 Consultations Consultation overview Tribunals Ontario is committed to ongoing consultation with stakeholders and the public on issues of process, procedure, service and accessibility. Our Public Consultation Policy outlines our approach to consultation and stakeholder engagement. Tribunals Ontario recognizes… Continue Reading Archived Consultations
Consultations Learn about Tribunals Ontario consultations and view recent consultations held. On this page Consultations overview Recent consultations Archived consultations Stakeholder engagement Consultations overview Tribunals Ontario is committed to ongoing consultation with stakeholders and the public on issues of process, procedure, service and accessibility. Our Public Consultation Policy outlines our approach to consultation and stakeholder… Continue Reading Consultations
Accessibility and diversity Access to justice, diversity and inclusion are core values of Tribunals Ontario. Tribunals Ontario values the capacity and strength that diversity brings to an organization. We are committed to reflecting Ontario’s diversity in our workforce and to providing a barrier free work environment. Tribunals Ontario believes that everyone should be given… Continue Reading Accessibility and diversity
Tribunals Ontario is taking action to expand options to access our services and enhance digital literacy resources for users who may not be familiar with using technology so that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, is able to participate fully in tribunal processes. New access options New options Tribunals Ontario is introducing to make our tribunals… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access to Justice and Enhancing Digital Literacy
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access to Justice and Enhancing Digital Literacy
As part of our commitment to access to justice, Tribunals Ontario is expanding access terminals to all of our constituent tribunals. Starting November 25, any party appearing before our tribunals who does not have access to a telephone, computer and/or the internet may be accommodated in the Toronto, Hamilton, London and Ottawa hearing centres to… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to all Tribunals
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to all Tribunals
Beginning September 1, the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT) is scheduling all future remote hearings by videoconference. SBT is taking a digital-first approach to dispute resolution to meet the diverse needs of Ontarians and enhance the quality of dispute resolution services but remains flexible in how it delivers services: If appellants do not have access to… Continue Reading SBT: News Release
Social Benefits Tribunal Begins Scheduling all Remote Hearings by Video
Social Benefits Tribunal Begins Scheduling all Remote Hearings by Video
As part of Tribunals Ontario’s commitment to access to justice, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is expanding access terminals to three more hearing centres in Ontario. Starting June 21, LTB parties who do not have access to a telephone, computer and/or the internet may be accommodated in the Hamilton, London and Ottawa hearing centres… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to Hamilton, London, and Ottawa Hearing Centres
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to Hamilton, London, and Ottawa Hearing Centres
Tribunals Ontario is expanding options to address requests for alternative hearing formats for Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) parties in Toronto who do not have access to a telephone, computer and/or the internet. Starting February 1, LTB parties who need access to a computer and telephone terminal may be accommodated at the 15 Grosvenor Hearing… Continue Reading LTB: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Increasing Access to Technology in Toronto
Tribunals Ontario Increasing Access to Technology in Toronto