Today, Tribunals Ontario launched a new modernized website to provide a more intuitive, user-friendly online experience for all our users. The new Tribunals Ontario website prioritizes user needs by making it easier to find key information, within two or three clicks upon landing on the website. To ensure a better online user experience, Tribunals Ontario… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Launches a Modernized Website
Tag: fsc
Starting July 2024, tribunals under Tribunals Ontario will audio record hearings. The audio recordings will be used for internal quality assurance purposes. The Landlord and Tenant Board, Social Benefits Tribunal and Ontario Parole Board have been recording their hearings for many years. Effective July 1, 2024, the Animal Care Review Board, Assessment Review Board, Child… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Audio Recording of Hearings at Tribunals Ontario
Audio Recording of Hearings at Tribunals Ontario
Contact the Fire Safety Commission Find all contact information for the Fire Safety Commission (FSC). Email Phone Call and speak to our staff, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding holidays). Staff can provide you with information about the FSC’s processes but they cannot provide legal advice. Toll free: 1-888-444-0240 Toronto… Continue Reading Contact
Forms and filing Find all Fire Safety Commission (FSC) forms and information about how to file. On this page Forms How to file Fees Submit appeals and applications to the FSC Registrar by email at Forms To appeal or make an application to the Fire Safety Commission (FSC), you must complete the appropriate forms… Continue Reading Forms and filing
Laws, rules and decisions Learn about the laws and rules that affect the Fire Safety Commission (FSC). On this page Legislation Rules of Practice Decisions Relevant information pages Ontario Fire Code The Office of the Fire Marshal Legislation The legislation that applies to the Fire Safety Commission (FSC) is: Fire Protection and Prevention Act Fire… Continue Reading Laws, rules and decisions
Appeals, applications and the hearing process Learn about the steps in the Fire Safety Commission (FSC) appeal, application and hearing process, including what to do before you file an appeal or application, how to file an appeal or application, and what happens afterwards. Navigate through the application and hearing process using the tabs. 1. Before… Continue Reading Appeals, applications and the hearing process
Fire Safety Commission Key Performance Indicators Archive The FSC resolves disputes and conducts hearings regarding fire safety matters, including orders made by inspectors or the Fire Marshal for repairs, alterations or installations to a building, structure, or premises. Tribunals Ontario’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) track the performance of our tribunals in a consistent manner and… Continue Reading Fire Safety Commission Key Performance Indicators Archive
Fire Safety Commission Key Performance Indicators Resolves disputes and conducts hearings regarding fire safety matters, including orders made by inspectors or the Fire Marshal for repairs, alterations or installations to a building, structure, or premises. Reporting period: April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 Fire Safety Commission Key Performance Indicators Fire Safety CommissionKey Performance Indicators… Continue Reading Fire Safety Commission Key Performance Indicators
Fire Safety Commission Disputes about fire safety matters, including orders made by inspectors or the Fire Marshal You can file three types of appeals and applications with the Fire Safety Commission (FSC): appeal from a decision and order of the Fire Marshal application by an inspector for authorization to complete work required under an order… Continue Reading Fire Safety Commission
Tribunals Ontario is enhancing access to justice for parties who have technology-related challenges by expanding the availability of Tribunals Ontario’s access terminal service from the current five hearing locations (Toronto, Hamilton, London, Ottawa and Sudbury) to almost anywhere in the province. Parties with an approved accommodation request because they do not have access to a… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Introducing Mobile Access Terminal Service
Tribunals Ontario Introducing Mobile Access Terminal Service