OSET: Operational Update
Ontario Special Education Tribunal (French) Name Change

Effective January 1, 2025, the French language name of the Ontario Special Education Tribunal (OSET) has changed to “Tribunal de l’éducation spécialisée de l’Ontario” (TESO). There is no change to the English name. This name change is in accordance with the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023, which amends the Education Act, 1990. The… Continue Reading OSET: Operational Update
Ontario Special Education Tribunal (French) Name Change

TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Launches a Modernized Website

Today, Tribunals Ontario launched a new modernized website to provide a more intuitive, user-friendly online experience for all our users. The new Tribunals Ontario website prioritizes user needs by making it easier to find key information, within two or three clicks upon landing on the website. To ensure a better online user experience, Tribunals Ontario… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Launches a Modernized Website

Forms and filing

Forms and Filing Find all Ontario Special Education Tribunal (OSET) forms and information about how to file. On this page Forms How to file Filing timelines Fees Forms If you need a form in an alternate format, such as braille or large print, call us at 416-326-1356 or send an email to oset@ontario.ca. Forms Form… Continue Reading Forms and filing


Contact the Ontario Special Education Tribunal Find all contact information for the Ontario Special Education Tribunal (OSET). Call and speak to our staff, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Staff can provide you with information about OSET‘s processes, but they cannot provide legal advice. Phone Telephone: 416-326-1356 TTY: Call the Bell Relay… Continue Reading Contact

Laws, rules and decisions

Law, rules and decisions Learn about the laws and rules that affect the Ontario Special Education Tribunal (OSET). On this page Legislation and regulation Rules of procedure Practice directions Decisions Relevant information pages Application and hearing process Legislation and regulation The Education Act and its regulations address the identification or placement of students with exceptional… Continue Reading Laws, rules and decisions

Application and hearing process

Appeal and hearing process Learn about what you need to do before you file an appeal with the Ontario Special Education Tribunal (OSET), how to file an appeal, and what happens afterwards. Navigate through the application and hearing process using the tabs. 1. Before you file 2. Filing an OSET appeal 3. Mediation and hearing 4. After… Continue Reading Application and hearing process

Ontario Special Education Tribunal

Ontario Special Education Tribunal Dispute the identification or placement of a student with exceptional learning needs Learn about the Ontario Special Education Tribunal (OSET) process for appealing the identification or placement of your child with exceptional learning needs within the English or French Public or Catholic school boards. The OSETs are independent from the school… Continue Reading Ontario Special Education Tribunal

TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Introducing Mobile Access Terminal Service

Tribunals Ontario is enhancing access to justice for parties who have technology-related challenges by expanding the availability of Tribunals Ontario’s access terminal service from the current five hearing locations (Toronto, Hamilton, London, Ottawa and Sudbury) to almost anywhere in the province. Parties with an approved accommodation request because they do not have access to a… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Introducing Mobile Access Terminal Service

TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to all Tribunals

As part of our commitment to access to justice, Tribunals Ontario is expanding access terminals to all of our constituent tribunals. Starting November 25, any party appearing before our tribunals who does not have access to a telephone, computer and/or the internet may be accommodated in the Toronto, Hamilton, London and Ottawa hearing centres to… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to all Tribunals

TO: News Release
Leadership Announcement

Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario issued the following leadership announcement: “Karen Restoule has advised me of her intent to resign as Alternate Executive Chair, and Associate Chair of the Landlord and Tenant Board, Child And Family Services Review Board, Custody Review Board, and Ontario Special Education Tribunals. Her last day will be January… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Leadership Announcement
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