Today, Tribunals Ontario launched the Tribunals Ontario Portal – a new case management system that will transform how users engage with tribunals. First announced in March as part of the Ontario government’s Justice Accelerated strategy, the new system will streamline the dispute resolution process by allowing applications to be filed, processed, and scheduled online. The… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Launches “Tribunals Ontario Portal”
Category: 2021 (EN)
As part of our commitment to access to justice, Tribunals Ontario is expanding access terminals to all of our constituent tribunals. Starting November 25, any party appearing before our tribunals who does not have access to a telephone, computer and/or the internet may be accommodated in the Toronto, Hamilton, London and Ottawa hearing centres to… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to all Tribunals
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access Terminals to all Tribunals
Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario issued the following leadership announcement: “Karen Restoule has advised me of her intent to resign as Alternate Executive Chair, and Associate Chair of the Landlord and Tenant Board, Child And Family Services Review Board, Custody Review Board, and Ontario Special Education Tribunals. Her last day will be January… Continue Reading TO: News Release
Leadership Announcement
Leadership Announcement
We are writing to provide an update on changes to the appeal payment process. On January 29, 2021 and June 18, 2021, the Assessment Review Board (ARB) issued memos providing an overview of the ARB’s Digital-First Approach plan. We identified key areas to support the resolution of appeals and the filing of both tax appeals… Continue Reading ARB: Operational Update
Appeal Payment Options – Update
Appeal Payment Options – Update
Effective December 31, 2021, the LTB will be decommissioning its fax machines assigned to regional offices. This means that except for a limited number of circumstances the LTB will no longer accept any documents, including applications, by fax. The LTB recognizes that for some parties who don’t have access to a computer and/or internet or… Continue Reading LTB: Operational Update
Decommissioning of Fax on December 31, 2021
Decommissioning of Fax on December 31, 2021
We are writing to provide an update further to our memo dated January 29, 2021 where we indicated that we would be continuing our focus on a “digital first” approach to the delivery of notices. In that memo, we called on municipalities to engage with us to discuss reducing our paper footprint. Our memo said:… Continue Reading ARB: Operational Update
ARB Digital Delivery Initiative – Update
ARB Digital Delivery Initiative – Update
In April 2019 it was announced that the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) would begin the process of winding down its operations. The final step of the dissolution will be complete on December 31, 2021 with the closure of the CICB. The CICB has worked diligently to ensure that all applications that were received by… Continue Reading CICB: News Release
Final Step of Dissolution of CICB Set for December 31, 2021
Final Step of Dissolution of CICB Set for December 31, 2021
Recently the federal government passed legislation that designated September 30 as a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to commemorate the history and legacy of Residential Schools in Canada. The Ontario government will be observing September 30, 2021 as a day of commemoration to reflect on the tragic history and ongoing legacy of Residential Schools.… Continue Reading ARB: Operational Update
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30, 2021
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30, 2021
Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario, issued the following statement on the Associate Chair appointment to the Licence Appeal Tribunal: “I am pleased to announce the appointment of Sara Mintz as Associate Chair of the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT), effective August 26, 2021. Sara currently serves as the Associate Chair of the Criminal Injuries… Continue Reading LAT: News Release
Statement on Associate Chair Appointment to the Licence Appeal Tribunal
Statement on Associate Chair Appointment to the Licence Appeal Tribunal
Beginning September 1, the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT) is scheduling all future remote hearings by videoconference. SBT is taking a digital-first approach to dispute resolution to meet the diverse needs of Ontarians and enhance the quality of dispute resolution services but remains flexible in how it delivers services: If appellants do not have access to… Continue Reading SBT: News Release
Social Benefits Tribunal Begins Scheduling all Remote Hearings by Video
Social Benefits Tribunal Begins Scheduling all Remote Hearings by Video