Forms and filing Find all Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) forms and information about how to file. Note: Documents you submit to the tribunals are available to the public, on requests, subject to limited exceptions. On this page Forms overview Form 1 Application and Form 2 Response All other HRTO forms Access the Human… Continue Reading Forms and filing
Application and hearing process Learn about the steps in the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) application and hearing process, including what to do before you file an application, how to file an application, and what happens afterwards. Navigate through the application and hearing process using the tabs. 1. Before filing an application 2. Filing… Continue Reading Application and hearing process
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Disputes about discrimination and harassment under the Human Rights Code The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) resolves claims of discrimination and harassment under the Human Rights Code. Access the Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC) if you need legal advice or assistance with a matter covered by the Human… Continue Reading Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Sean Weir, Executive Chair of Tribunals Ontario, and Harry Gousopoulos, Executive Director of Tribunals Ontario, issued the following statement on the 2022-2023 Tribunals Ontario Annual Report : “Today, Tribunals Ontario released its 2022-2023 Annual Report – a snapshot of our ongoing modernization, along with various key operational highlights across our constituent tribunals. We remain focused… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Statement on the 2022-2023 Tribunals Ontario Annual Report
Tribunals Ontario Statement on the 2022-2023 Tribunals Ontario Annual Report
Effective May 12, 2023, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) has updated its primary intake form, Form 1: Individual Application and created a new Form 1G: Application on Behalf of Another Person(s) under Section 34(5) of the Human Rights Code. The revised Form 1: Is shorter in length Uses plain language Minimizes redundancy by… Continue Reading HRTO: Operational Update
Revised Form 1 and New Form 1G
Revised Form 1 and New Form 1G
Tribunals Ontario is enhancing access to justice for parties who have technology-related challenges by expanding the availability of Tribunals Ontario’s access terminal service from the current five hearing locations (Toronto, Hamilton, London, Ottawa and Sudbury) to almost anywhere in the province. Parties with an approved accommodation request because they do not have access to a… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Introducing Mobile Access Terminal Service
Tribunals Ontario Introducing Mobile Access Terminal Service
The HRTO is revising its procedure for reviewing and processing files with a focus on a targeted group of applications. Rather than completing an initial jurisdictional review before serving a Form 1 Application on respondent(s), the HRTO will serve the Form 1 Application directly to the respondent(s) and any subsequent Form 2 Response (including any… Continue Reading HRTO: Operational Update
Modified Process for Applications
Modified Process for Applications
Tribunals Ontario has implemented new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across all 13 of our tribunals as part of our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and ensuring that the services we provide meet the needs of our users. The KPIs are designed to assess the organization’s effectiveness in delivering our core business of resolving disputes in… Continue Reading HRTO: Operational Update
New Tribunals Ontario and Human Rights Tribunals of Ontario Key Performance Indicators
New Tribunals Ontario and Human Rights Tribunals of Ontario Key Performance Indicators
Tribunals Ontario is taking action to expand options to access our services and enhance digital literacy resources for users who may not be familiar with using technology so that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, is able to participate fully in tribunal processes. New access options New options Tribunals Ontario is introducing to make our tribunals… Continue Reading TO: Operational Update
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access to Justice and Enhancing Digital Literacy
Tribunals Ontario Expanding Access to Justice and Enhancing Digital Literacy
In August 2022, the HRTO sent letters to specific parties offering the opportunity to resolve their dispute by way of mediation. Mediation is an opportunity for the parties to try to reach an agreement (settlement) to resolve the issues in the Application. This offer is available even where a previous mediation attempt was unsuccessful. Parties… Continue Reading HRTO: Operational Update
Mediation Offer Letter
Mediation Offer Letter