Note: Documents you submit to the tribunal are available to the public on request, subject to limited exceptions.

Application and Hearing Process

arrow down Before You File an Application

Helps you decide whether to file an application with the HRTO.

arrow down Filing an Application

How to file an application and what kind of information you will have to include on the form.

arrow down Filing a Response to the Application

How to file a response and what happens if you don’t.

arrow down Mediation

The goal of mediation at the HRTO and how it works.

arrow down Summary and Preliminary Hearings

Explains in what cases the HRTO holds a preliminary hearing (A hearing during which the adjudicator decides whether the application can continue.)

arrow down Before the Hearing

Explains what you or your legal representative will have to do before the hearing.

arrow down During the Hearing

Describes the role of the adjudicator and the role of the parties during the hearing.

arrow down Decisions

Describes what’s included in two different kinds of decisions: an interim decision and a final decision.

arrow down Request for Reconsideration

Explains when the HRTO may agree to reconsider a final decision.

arrow down Judicial Reviews

Explains what it means to make request for judicial review to the Divisional Court.