The HRTO Practice Advisory Committee (PAC) has two vacancies for members who regularly represent parties before the HRTO. The PAC has an opening for one member who regularly represents respondents and one member who regularly represents applicants.
The PAC is looking for people who are familiar with HRTO procedures and can contribute to the PAC’s mandate to provide consultation and feedback about HRTO’s policies, practices, rules, practice directions and services. Committee members are expected to attend at least three meetings a year and participate with candour and discretion.
The Terms of Reference for the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Practice Advisory Committee can be found on the SJTO website.
To express your interest in serving as a member of the HRTO Practice Advisory Committee, please send a resume and brief statement of interest to Christine Dion at by Friday, January 19, 2018. The new members will be selected by the current co-chairs, Ms. Antonella Ceddia and Ms. Kate Hughes.