Landlord and Tenant Board

Important Notice

December 30, 2024

Effective January 1, 2025, all persons licensed by the Law Society of Ontario including lawyers and paralegals must use the Tribunals Ontario Portal, the Landlord and Tenant Board’s case management system, to access any file-related documents as well as submit documents such as applications, forms, evidence, summons and more. For more information, read our Operational Update.

Landlord and Tenant Board

Resolve a dispute with a landlord or tenant, and/or end a tenancy or co-op member’s occupancy

Learn about the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) application and hearing processes, your rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act, and the rules and processes for non-profit co-op evictions at the LTB.

Use Tribunals Ontario Portal to submit applications, check file status, upload evidence and use the dispute resolution tool to try and reach an agreement.

Use Navigate Tribunals Ontario to learn about your rights and responsibilities and the rules and processes at the LTB.

Before you file

Choosing and filing an application

Application and hearing process

Non-Profit Co-op evictions

Laws, rules and decisions

Contact the LTB

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