January 30, 2018
LTB Pilots Early Resolution Discussions in the Rexdale Community of Toronto

In partnership with the Rexdale Community Hub (the Hub), the Toronto North LTB office is testing an early dispute resolution process. The process will be available to landlords when they file L2 eviction applications that involve tenants who live in the Rexdale community. The pilot started on January 22, 2018.

The goal of this process is to resolve tenancy problems that might lead to eviction without going to an LTB hearing. Tenants and landlords will have an Early Resolution Discussion at the Hub where various community resources are available to assist parties. An LTB dispute resolution officer will guide the discussion.

If the parties resolve all the issues in the application at the Early Resolution Discussion, the dispute resolution officer will draft a mediated agreement or a consent order that sets out what the parties have agreed to and close the application. If the parties don’t resolve all the tenancy issues, the application will go to an LTB hearing without delay.

Benefits of the Early Resolution Discussion process include:

  • Takes place closer to home; no need to travel to the LTB Toronto North Office
  • Access to on-site community based social services at the Hub
  • No application fee if the parties resolve all their tenancy issues at the Early Resolution Discussion
  • Keeps the tenant in the unit, where possible

For more information, contact the LTB at 416-645-8080 or 1-888-332-3234 (toll free).