Forms and Filing

Until further notice, the following changes are in place for submitting documents through mail. If you submit by mail or courier, you will experience processing delays.

Mailing Address

Until further notice, the following changes are in place for submitting documents through mail. If you submit by mail or courier, you will experience processing delays.

Mail should be addressed to:

Child and Family Services Review Board
15 Grosvenor Street, Ground Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2G6


Technical Notes

  1. To view, print or email these forms, your computer needs Adobe Reader. You can download this free software from Adobe's website.

  2. Exclamation mark Save the downloaded form onto your computer and open that copy in Adobe Reader. Do not complete the forms in your browser. Some browsers will not allow you to complete or save your form.

  3. Most browsers will store (or "cache") documents on the hard drive of your computer so you can access them faster in the future. This feature may mean you are not accessing the most up-to-date version of CFSRB forms. Clear your cache by holding down the "Ctrl" key and the "F5" key at the same time, or by using Ctrl+Shift+Delete.

  4. The CFSRB has two types of forms: forms that allow you to save the information you enter, and forms that don't.
    • Forms you can save: You'll see a message like this at the top.
      Please fill out the following form. You can save data typed into this form.

    • Forms you cannot save: You'll see a message like this at the top. You'll need to print a copy of your completed form.
      Please fill out the following form. You cannot save data typed into this for. Please print your completed form if you would like a copy for your records.

The forms are in PDF format. If you need a form in print, or alternate formats like large print or braille, contact us.

If the form does not open in your PDF viewer, right click on the link, then on "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." to download a copy.

If you are not sure which form is right for you, read about the different application types:


Person icon

Submit your application in person at:

Effective March 13, 2020, all front-line counter services are closed to the public until further notice.

Mail icon

Mail your application to:

Child and Family Services Review Board
15 Grosvenor Street,
Ground Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2G6

Fax icon

Fax your application to:


Email icon

Email your application to:

To email your form: fill it out, sign it, scan it as a pdf and attach the pdf to an email